Colin H. Loveness

Senior Consultant


M.A., Predictive Analytics,
    Northwestern University
B.A., Economics, Carleton College


Direct Line:

Office Location:

510.899.4627 Pleasanton
Colin Loveness CV  

For more than 10 years, Colin Loveness has delivered consulting services and expert testimony in commercial litigation matters concerning economic, financial, and business issues. While he's primarily focused on the calculation of economic damages, he's also provided non-litigation consulting services and provided opinions on statistical theory and inference.
As a consultant in a variety of complex litigation matters, Mr. Loveness has advised on issues involving intellectual property disputes, breach of contract, securities and finance, antitrust monopolization, and employment disputes. His experience spans industries such as semiconductors, computers, software, telecommunications, financial services, banking, insurance, cellular telephones and service, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices.
Mr. Loveness has been the designated project leader in cases involving breach of contract, class actions, personal injury, employment disputes, and consulting on reasonable license terms (non-litigation). He's been designated expert in multiple engagements involving telecommunication, insurance and employment disputes.